A planned gift to Bais Menachem Chabad Center is the ultimate expression of your eternal commitment to Yiddishkeit.
Planned giving can take a few forms:
Proper Jewish Burial- While this is not directly related to a planned gift, if you're thinking about estate planning, it's the right time to pre-arrange a kosher Jewish burial and plot . The sages teach that buying a plot young is a merit for long life. Feel free to reach out for more information about kosher burial.
Stock Donation- Donating stock while it’s high is a great way to give large gifts, reduce anxiety, and has generous tax benefits. (You can even buy the same stock back and reset your basis).
Retirement Account Donation- 401Ks, IRA’s, and other retirement accounts have the same benefits as stock donations, count towards minimum distributions and bypass even more taxes.
Planned Giving- Dedicating a dollar amount, percentage of or fixed asset from your estate as a charitable remainder trust to Chabad can allow you to significantly increase your eternal legacy and can unlock even more lucrative tax benefits.
Estate Tax- If you are subject to an estate tax, it is possible to completely wipe out this liability with a properly planned gift.
For more information you can reach out to Rabbi Epstein 773-262-2770 ext. 4, or Rabbi Rapoport 773-262-2770 ext. 8