Bais Menachem Chabad Center is a warm place to daven, study and meet warm people; offering dozens of study and social events all geared to exploring the richness of Jewish life as seen through the lens of Chassidic teaching and inspiration.
The Rabbis and Rebbetzins are more than teachers and clergy, they are approachable community minded representatives of the Rebbe’s welcoming message of Chabad throughout the world. Bais Menachem Chabad Center was founded in 1995 by Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois; Rabbi and Mrs. Daniel ז"ל and Esther Rochel תבלט''א Moscowitz , and Rabbi and Mrs. Baruch and Chaya Epstein. Rabbi Eliyahu and Rivka Rapoport (daughter of the Epsteins) joined the Bais Menachem Chabad Center in 2016.